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Wednesday 4 April 2012


1. A PLN or Personal Learning Network is an online network of professionals where you go and share your knowledge with them and they share their knowledge with you.

2. Three possible elements of a good PLN are: 1. networking to meet people with similar interests ex. Facebook, twitter, etc. 2. An inviting page 3. Information that relates to your chosen theme

3. In college I am going into police foundations and using a PLN could help me because I could use their network to talk to the teachers and other students in the same course. I could also use it to talk to current and/or former police officers to ask them questions and get information that could help me become a police officer.

4. I think that potential employers having a PLN would be to their advantage when they go to hire someone because they can see what that person is like, what their interests are and what’s on their PLN.

5. My current online footprint is not that employer friendly. I can improve my online footprint by making it focused on me and my interests so that an employer could see what I am really like instead of what they see on paper.

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