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Monday 12 March 2012

What I expect to learn from reading this play are the elements that make a Shakespeare comedy and how to better understand classical English. I expect to achieve these goals by watching the film version of the play and analyzing the text using the No Fear Shakespeare copy of the play. The elements of a Shakespeare comedy are quite specific.  When I read the play I am going to analyze the words and attempt to discover the literary and dramatic devices used by Shakespeare that classifies the play as a comedy. These characteristics that make a comedy will be shown through plot, character types and setting. Generally the plot can help distinguish what makes a comedy by putting the characters in extreme situations such as love triangles, such as in Twelfth Night. Character types are important in a Shakespeare comedy because if the character is too serious he or she won’t be funny. What makes a character funny in a play is the sarcasm the characters use and usually they have a big personality. The setting is important because it allows the characters to interact in a comedic fashion. I hope to use what I already know about comedy to better my understanding of the differences between comedic and dramatic plays. I also will use the movie to help better understand the language of the play. Having a visual representation of the play will help me better understand what is spoken by the characters.

1 comment:

  1. expereince, don't analyse theplay. Watch the play, man. It should be fun, not work.

    "The setting is important because it allows the characters to interact in a comedic fashion." ... really? OK, man. If you say so.
