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Wednesday 11 April 2012


The course I picked for the ItunesU course is sports fitness health and motivation.  This course teaches about supplements used in sports, proper diets and proper exercise.  Two lectures that I listened to were “Supplements” and “Nutrition and Training”. The lesson on supplements talked about why athletes are using supplements.  The trainer talked about natural supplements that can help you get an edge on the competition without using steroids.  They also said that when one famous athlete is caught using steroids that it doesn’t mean most of the other players are using steroids, even though a lot of people think that. The lesson on the nutrition and training talked about diet being everything when it comes to training.    He talked about there being no such thing as over training, just under resting and that if you don’t get enough rest after a workout or eat the right things, your body won’t recover properly.  The trainer also said that what you do when you are not working out, matters more than what you do when you are working out. The reason I picked this course was because I go to the gym and play a lot of football and it is always good to know more about working out. I also picked it because it talks about diets and that dieting is the most important thing when it comes to working out. I also found this useful to get into better shape because I am going into police foundations in the fall.

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