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Friday 30 March 2012

I believe that the first video was the best version of this play because it was based in a more modern setting. Due to the setting the characters are seen in different ways. For example in the first video it seems like more of a party which makes the characters more open to one another and more relatable to the audience. In the other two videos it seems like they are at an upper class ball which makes the characters seem distant from one another and less relatable to the audience. Additionally in the first video it is more evident to the audience that there is a struggle for Romeo and Juliet to attempt having a relationship. This is because in the first video there is a lot more chaos, while in the other two videos there are less people so it is easier for them to find one another.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

On the Wikipedia page it for As You Like the main character is listed as Rosalind when really for most of the play she is disguised as a shepherd named Ganymede. If someone knew nothing about the play they would assume Rosalind was herself for the entire play, however for the majority of the play she is known by the other characters as Ganymede, a man.

Monday 12 March 2012

What I expect to learn from reading this play are the elements that make a Shakespeare comedy and how to better understand classical English. I expect to achieve these goals by watching the film version of the play and analyzing the text using the No Fear Shakespeare copy of the play. The elements of a Shakespeare comedy are quite specific.  When I read the play I am going to analyze the words and attempt to discover the literary and dramatic devices used by Shakespeare that classifies the play as a comedy. These characteristics that make a comedy will be shown through plot, character types and setting. Generally the plot can help distinguish what makes a comedy by putting the characters in extreme situations such as love triangles, such as in Twelfth Night. Character types are important in a Shakespeare comedy because if the character is too serious he or she won’t be funny. What makes a character funny in a play is the sarcasm the characters use and usually they have a big personality. The setting is important because it allows the characters to interact in a comedic fashion. I hope to use what I already know about comedy to better my understanding of the differences between comedic and dramatic plays. I also will use the movie to help better understand the language of the play. Having a visual representation of the play will help me better understand what is spoken by the characters.