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Wednesday 11 April 2012


The reasons why the universities and colleges are starting to teach this way is because it’s more convenient for both the students and the teachers to have everything online. Teachers are able to put their lectures online whenever they want instead of having to wait until the next class. The students like this because they don’t have to go to class to get the lesson nor do they have to go to class to hand in their homework.  Posting the lessons online shows other students who are thinking about taking the course what the class is like. When the students are interested in the course they might want to go to the school where they saw the course online which is good for colleges and universities because they can make more money. It does not cost anything to go online to see what a course is like however, if that person wants to take the course they will have to pay for it. This is a way for the universities and colleges to advertise to get more students to join and therefore they will make more money.  Online learning will help the students learn in more than one way. They will be able to go online and learn for other people along with the teacher. This also gives the students a visual way of learning for those students who don’t learn well by listening. By teaching in more than one way it helps the students stay focused and stops them from getting bored like they would if they were just sitting in a class listening to the teacher teach.  By having courses online with the iTunesu the colleges and universities are able to help students learn more and on their own time. This can also help the schools by getting people who aren’t in school, interested in the course. This might get that person to take the course at their school. Also, by having courses online it allows more students to join the school without actually going into the building. This allows the school to make even more money without necessarily paying more teachers to teach the course. The schools are no longer limited to how many students they can fit in the building and it allows a teacher to teach more students, therefore it cuts costs for the schools.


The course I picked for the ItunesU course is sports fitness health and motivation.  This course teaches about supplements used in sports, proper diets and proper exercise.  Two lectures that I listened to were “Supplements” and “Nutrition and Training”. The lesson on supplements talked about why athletes are using supplements.  The trainer talked about natural supplements that can help you get an edge on the competition without using steroids.  They also said that when one famous athlete is caught using steroids that it doesn’t mean most of the other players are using steroids, even though a lot of people think that. The lesson on the nutrition and training talked about diet being everything when it comes to training.    He talked about there being no such thing as over training, just under resting and that if you don’t get enough rest after a workout or eat the right things, your body won’t recover properly.  The trainer also said that what you do when you are not working out, matters more than what you do when you are working out. The reason I picked this course was because I go to the gym and play a lot of football and it is always good to know more about working out. I also picked it because it talks about diets and that dieting is the most important thing when it comes to working out. I also found this useful to get into better shape because I am going into police foundations in the fall.


I believe this kind of learning is effective because I can watch the videos at my own pace as they are accessible anywhere with a wifi connection. Also I think it is useful because if I don’t understand something I can always just rewind and watch the part over to help myself better understand what I am learning. I also think teaching this way is better for teachers because instead of teaching the same things multiple times a day they can teach it once and let their students watch it when it’s convenient to them. It’s also better because it’s a more visual method of teaching the key concepts. It also helps costs on both ends because students don’t have to pay to get themselves to school. For schools it cuts costs as there is no need to pay for student resources such as textbooks and paper.       


I believe that using YouTube videos is a very useful tool in learning in the class room and everything you need to know. If I ever have a question about how to do something or have not understood a concept in school I have always used YouTube to answer any questions I may have. When I was in grade nine I used YouTube to help myself better understand how to use some math formulas. I also used YouTube in this course to help describe a Shakespeare play to my classmates. There are also many videos that inform people about anything and everything for example the video I have imbedded can help people better understand what food is really good for you and what foods are pretending to be good for you. I WILL NEVER DRINK DIET POP AGAIN!!!!   

Wednesday 4 April 2012


1. A PLN or Personal Learning Network is an online network of professionals where you go and share your knowledge with them and they share their knowledge with you.

2. Three possible elements of a good PLN are: 1. networking to meet people with similar interests ex. Facebook, twitter, etc. 2. An inviting page 3. Information that relates to your chosen theme

3. In college I am going into police foundations and using a PLN could help me because I could use their network to talk to the teachers and other students in the same course. I could also use it to talk to current and/or former police officers to ask them questions and get information that could help me become a police officer.

4. I think that potential employers having a PLN would be to their advantage when they go to hire someone because they can see what that person is like, what their interests are and what’s on their PLN.

5. My current online footprint is not that employer friendly. I can improve my online footprint by making it focused on me and my interests so that an employer could see what I am really like instead of what they see on paper.

Friday 30 March 2012

I believe that the first video was the best version of this play because it was based in a more modern setting. Due to the setting the characters are seen in different ways. For example in the first video it seems like more of a party which makes the characters more open to one another and more relatable to the audience. In the other two videos it seems like they are at an upper class ball which makes the characters seem distant from one another and less relatable to the audience. Additionally in the first video it is more evident to the audience that there is a struggle for Romeo and Juliet to attempt having a relationship. This is because in the first video there is a lot more chaos, while in the other two videos there are less people so it is easier for them to find one another.

Tuesday 20 March 2012

On the Wikipedia page it for As You Like the main character is listed as Rosalind when really for most of the play she is disguised as a shepherd named Ganymede. If someone knew nothing about the play they would assume Rosalind was herself for the entire play, however for the majority of the play she is known by the other characters as Ganymede, a man.

Monday 12 March 2012

What I expect to learn from reading this play are the elements that make a Shakespeare comedy and how to better understand classical English. I expect to achieve these goals by watching the film version of the play and analyzing the text using the No Fear Shakespeare copy of the play. The elements of a Shakespeare comedy are quite specific.  When I read the play I am going to analyze the words and attempt to discover the literary and dramatic devices used by Shakespeare that classifies the play as a comedy. These characteristics that make a comedy will be shown through plot, character types and setting. Generally the plot can help distinguish what makes a comedy by putting the characters in extreme situations such as love triangles, such as in Twelfth Night. Character types are important in a Shakespeare comedy because if the character is too serious he or she won’t be funny. What makes a character funny in a play is the sarcasm the characters use and usually they have a big personality. The setting is important because it allows the characters to interact in a comedic fashion. I hope to use what I already know about comedy to better my understanding of the differences between comedic and dramatic plays. I also will use the movie to help better understand the language of the play. Having a visual representation of the play will help me better understand what is spoken by the characters.